Katherine uses they|she pronouns.
performer. director. educator. facilitator. leader.
Katherine leads with values of
looking to involve katherine in a creative project? - head to "for casting"
Why Katherine?
There are no cut and dry answers or quick fixes to structural and institutional racism and inequality. If you are looking for the "right way, real quick" solution you will not find it here. It doesn't exist, and anyone selling that kind of solution is complicit in these problematic systems.
What success looks like on an organization level is recognizing and being open to reformatting, re-framing, and responding to the changing landscape of terminology and information. A good mission statement is flexible in nature, and effective leadership is open to structural revision.
Katherine brings their experience as a storyteller and educator to organizations, with a communication style that is clear, direct, and actionable. They will help you identify your tools, strengths, and blind-spots in order to collaborate and generate an action plan for moving forward. With a decade of experience as a performer and in the classroom with students of all ages, and the neuro-diverse and disability community Katherine brings a unique blend of expertise and perspective to any context. They are warm, open, and lead with their sense of humor.
Katherine is skilled in Strategic Leadership and Planning, Social Media, Scheduling, Coordinating, Organization, Community Management, Event Coordination, Empathy, Lesson Planning, Writing Copy, Education, Customer Service, Data Entry, and Fundraising.
There are no cut and dry answers or quick fixes to structural and institutional racism and inequality. If you are looking for the "right way, real quick" solution you will not find it here. It doesn't exist, and anyone selling that kind of solution is complicit in these problematic systems.
What success looks like on an organization level is recognizing and being open to reformatting, re-framing, and responding to the changing landscape of terminology and information. A good mission statement is flexible in nature, and effective leadership is open to structural revision.
Katherine brings their experience as a storyteller and educator to organizations, with a communication style that is clear, direct, and actionable. They will help you identify your tools, strengths, and blind-spots in order to collaborate and generate an action plan for moving forward. With a decade of experience as a performer and in the classroom with students of all ages, and the neuro-diverse and disability community Katherine brings a unique blend of expertise and perspective to any context. They are warm, open, and lead with their sense of humor.
Katherine is skilled in Strategic Leadership and Planning, Social Media, Scheduling, Coordinating, Organization, Community Management, Event Coordination, Empathy, Lesson Planning, Writing Copy, Education, Customer Service, Data Entry, and Fundraising.
Creative Engine
Inclusion Strategist
Teaching Artist
As a teaching artist Katherine has worked with ages K-adult and has a special interest in working with neurodiverse students. They have experience with learners who are non-verbal, Autistic adults and youths, folx with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and other multiple disability needs.
Katherine believes in positive disruption in classroom. Artists are scientists of the human condition, and students are invited into the excitement of the laboratory. They bring creativity and collaboration to any classrooms and establishes an environment for students of all ages and levels to feel seen, and know themselves.
As an active teaching artist in the Philadelphia community, Katherine has taught for the Arden Theatre Company, Walnut Street Theatre, Delaware Theatre Company, White Pines Productions, Philadelphia Young Playwrights, Curio Theatre Company, and Theatre Horizon (most notably as part of their Autism Outreach Programming). Katherine served as the Director of Education for White Pines Productions from March 2015-October 2016 and is currently part of the education team for Philadelphia Young Playwrights, Walnut Street Theatre, the Kimmel Center, and 1812 Productions.
As a teaching artist Katherine has worked with ages K-adult and has a special interest in working with neurodiverse students. They have experience with learners who are non-verbal, Autistic adults and youths, folx with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and other multiple disability needs.
Katherine believes in positive disruption in classroom. Artists are scientists of the human condition, and students are invited into the excitement of the laboratory. They bring creativity and collaboration to any classrooms and establishes an environment for students of all ages and levels to feel seen, and know themselves.
As an active teaching artist in the Philadelphia community, Katherine has taught for the Arden Theatre Company, Walnut Street Theatre, Delaware Theatre Company, White Pines Productions, Philadelphia Young Playwrights, Curio Theatre Company, and Theatre Horizon (most notably as part of their Autism Outreach Programming). Katherine served as the Director of Education for White Pines Productions from March 2015-October 2016 and is currently part of the education team for Philadelphia Young Playwrights, Walnut Street Theatre, the Kimmel Center, and 1812 Productions.
Current Residencies
1812 Productions
Katherine also has digital class offerings available on Outschool and is available for consultations, and custom workshops.
1812 Productions
- Widener Memorial School for students with disabilities: Lower School & High School
- Wagner Elementary: 6-8th Life Skills classrooms
- Bodine International High School - drama club
Katherine also has digital class offerings available on Outschool and is available for consultations, and custom workshops.
The most important job of a director is to ask questions, explore options, and provide clarity. Katherine is passionate about new work, and stories that subvert expectation.
FITTING IN: Tales of the Fat Ingenue 2022 (this project is ongoing!)
director & co-writer
SHREK THE MUSICAL at The Shipley School April 2022
SATURPLAY - a collection of student work performed by professionals, Philadelphia Young Playwrights 2021, 2022
The most important job of a director is to ask questions, explore options, and provide clarity. Katherine is passionate about new work, and stories that subvert expectation.
FITTING IN: Tales of the Fat Ingenue 2022 (this project is ongoing!)
director & co-writer
SHREK THE MUSICAL at The Shipley School April 2022
SATURPLAY - a collection of student work performed by professionals, Philadelphia Young Playwrights 2021, 2022
The most important job of a director is to ask questions, explore options, and provide clarity. Katherine is passionate about new work, and stories that subvert expectation.
SEX TALK (the show) first developed in 2015 and performing in Philadelphia and beyond
FITTING IN: Tales of the Fat Ingenue 2022 (this project is ongoing!)
director & co-writer
The most important job of a director is to ask questions, explore options, and provide clarity. Katherine is passionate about new work, and stories that subvert expectation.
SEX TALK (the show) first developed in 2015 and performing in Philadelphia and beyond
FITTING IN: Tales of the Fat Ingenue 2022 (this project is ongoing!)
director & co-writer
Other Clients/Endeavors
artists are scientists of the human condition
Copyright ©Katherine Perry 2022